Ferran FreixaThe poetics of space

June 13, 2024 / July 26, 2024

In the first Ferran Freixa exhibition at the gallery, we want to invite you to explore the artist’s work, which offers us a new perspective on everyday life. His meticulous compositions and masterful use of natural light create an atmosphere of stillness and serenity that invites contemplation. The photographed spaces, whether domestic or public, become protagonists of a visual narrative that speaks of memory, history, and human experience.

In The Poetics of Space, we show a selection of the artist’s photographs, where his way of understanding this art will be evident, and the most transcendental aspects of his work will be appreciated. We have chosen images of interiors of establishments and a small selection from the series of shop windows in Barcelona, in which the interiors are silent witnesses of past lives, full of details that tell stories without words. In each photograph, the poetics of space manifests in shadows that dialogue with light, in how the objects suggest invisible presences, and in how silence seems to permeate everything. Freixa‘s gaze is both introspective and universal.

The Poetics of Space is, ultimately, a tribute to the capacity of photography to capture the soul of places. Ferran Freixa shows us that, in the apparent emptiness of interiors, there is a world rich in meanings and emotions. I invite you to let yourself be carried away by these images and to discover the hidden beauty in every corner, in every detail, in each and every one of his photographs.

Fragment of the text by Marc Vidal, curator.

Round table video (in catalan)