Record details

  • generalData.authorNameInListings
    Cesare Fracanzano (1605-1651)
  • generalData.title
    The liberation of Saint Peter
  • technicalData.measurements
    153 x 227 cm
  • technicalData.description
    Oil on canvas
  • technicalData.complementaryDescription
    The composition of this painting seems to have been shaped after the liberation of San Pedro in 1639 by José de Ribera (Madrid, Museo del Prado), whose measurements are similar (cm 177 x 232). The figure of Saint Peter, who is in prison, has clearly been reused, revoked, by Fracanzano. Furthermore, the palette of his work is close to that adopted by Ribera during the fourth and fifth decades of the 17th century: the angel's silky white tunic is a trademark for Fracanzano, and is reminiscent of the clothing of Mary Magdalene (Naples, Church of San Domenico Maggiore). A close comparison is possible with the Flagellated Christ Consulated by the Angels (Naples, Cuadrería del Gerolamini), especially for the use of smooth contours of the figures and the gentle handling of the details of the skin. The figure of the sleeping watchman in profile, wearing a breast plate and holding a sword, is a reference to the figure of a shepherd in the right corner of Jacopo Bassano's famous copy of the Adoration of the Shepherds, replicated countless times for his workshop and also for Leandre and Francesco Bassano. The same detail reappears with variants in many works of the Master of the Annunciation to the Shepherds, currently identified with Bartolomeo Bassante.
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