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Francesc Domingo was formed in Barcelona, in the School of Fine Arts of Barcelona and in the school of Francesc Galí. Francesc Domingo formed part from the beginning of the Courbet group, constituted in 1918, along with E. C. Ricart, Joan Miró, Rafael Sala and J. Llorens Artigas; all of them coincided in the Artistic Circle of Sant Lluc and were disciples of Francesc d'A. by Galino. He later participated in the exhibitions of “Las Artes y los Artistas”.
In 1920 he established himself in Paris, where, due to great admiration for Cézanne, heined, through multiple evolutions, a constant concern for the structure, which marks all his work; in this city he approached cubism (1922-27), a stage in which I enriched the colorful. He also resided in Britain (1927-29), and in the period 1929-31 went through a spectral stage. Returned and established in Barcelona (1931-39) he cultivated a social realism devoid of demagogy, an idealized vision of the leisure of the worker, a theme that had already cultivated his first years in Barcelona, the fruit of which are the works The Peasant, The Players and Men in the Taberna. He was the secretary of the Syndicate of Artists, Painters and Sculptors of Catalonia and developed an intense cultural activity during the Civil War. The post-war era was a stage of disorientation. Along with Ramon Calsina and Josep Togores, he has been considered the most significant painter of the Déco movement in Catalonia. His work has evolved within the figuration, cultivating mainly the drawing. He has collaborated in the illustration of literary works of great luxury; the Generalitat edited his album of drawings The Children and the War (1937).
From 1951, after a stay in Buenos Aires (1950), where he devoted himself to portrait, he established himself in São Paulo (Brazil) and oriented himself towards a stylization of his traditional figurative constructivism. Wins the Grand Drawing Award at the II Hispano-American Biennale of Art (La Habana 1954). He taught engraving at the school of fine arts, opened a gallery in 1963 and founded the Bisonte Group, made up of Walter Levy, Pere Tort, Jabago, Paulos Chaves and other painters. He worked on the engraving, the mural painting —the chapel of San Rafael in Amparo and of Nosa Senhora de Monte Serrate in Sao Paulo—, the portrait —Alberto Salles, Euclides da Cunha— and other themes. He has exhibited in numerous European, U.S. and Brazilian cities and received numerous awards and honors. He exhibited again in Barcelona in 1967 and 1973.