Ficha técnica

  • Título
  • Fecha o período de creación
    1470 - 1476
  • Medidas
    Pintura 49,5 x 227 cm Total: 57 x 232 x 12 cm
  • Descripción
    Pintura al temple sobre madera
  • Descripción complementaria
    This exceptional testament to late gothic Aragonese painting represents half-figures of six prophets within concentric shapes, who, according to the text in their scrolls, appear from left to right: Isaiah (Ysayas), Solomon (Salamo), Zechariah (Zacharias), Daniel (Daniel), David (Dauit) and Abraham (Abram). The variety of positions in which they appear stand out, alternating frontal figures with those in a three-quarters view or those in complete profile, thus endowing the scene with movement following the style of Quattrocento Florentine painting.

    The first news we have about this predella with prophets, after its sale in 1908, is its display in a celebrated exhibition at the Sala Parés in Barcelona from 9 to 31 May 1936. One of the works presented in this display was an altarpiece of unknown provenance with the representation of six prophets, property of the brothers Carles and Sebastián Junyer, antiquarians, conservators, and collectors, a piece which had never been studied or analysed by specialists. It was given an aggrandized attribution to Jaume Huguet, a claim which weakened with time. Post was the first to indicate his doubts, which Ainaud and Gudiol confirmed in 1948, considering that “It cannot be securely stated that this is a work by Huguet, and even if this attribution is accepted it is difficult to situate the piece chronologically in his series of works”, although the authors recognized the undeniable stylistic and technical ties the piece has with works attributed to the master.
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