Record details

  • generalData.authorNameInListings
    André Lhote (1885-1962)
  • generalData.title
    Ronda, Andalusia
  • generalData.creationDate
  • technicalData.measurements
    49 x 32 cm
  • technicalData.description
    Watercolour on paper
  • technicalData.complementaryDescription
    French painter and art critic, André Lhote exhibited at the Salon of Independent Artists in 1906. He was attracted to Cubism very early on, and tried to adapt it to classicism, opening an academy to spread his aesthetic thinking in 1922. His works had great influence in the central decades of the 20th century.
    In 1923 Andre Lhote traveled through Andalusia with the poet Jules Supervielle, where he possibly executed this drawing of the city of Ronda, in Malaga.
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