Record details

  • generalData.authorNameInListings
    Francesc Torrescassana (1845-1918)
  • generalData.title
  • generalData.creationDate
    Segle XIX
  • technicalData.measurements
    132 x 106,5 cm
  • technicalData.description
    Oil on canvas
    Landscape and portrait painting formed the transversal line of the artist's work. This one in particular is a realistic scene of country life painted in 1874. Surprisingly, due to its size and quality, it has not been catalogued. It shows the interior of a rural house with a female figure at work. There are other known works in which the artist depicts the interiors of rural houses, in which different types of animals are represented. In this case we can see a duck in the centre of the scene. In this painting, Torrescassana denounces the difficult social conditions of the Catalan countryside at a time when the world was becoming more industrialised. Life in the countryside, a very frequent theme in the social realism of the time, was also a recurrent theme in the artist's work.
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