Record details

  • generalData.authorNameInListings
    Niccolo Circignani (il Pomarancio) (1520-1597)
  • generalData.title
    Historic scene
  • generalData.creationDate
    c. 1584
  • technicalData.measurements
    250 x 215 mm
  • technicalData.description
  • technicalData.complementaryDescription
    Circignani was born around 1530 in Pomarance. He is nicknamed Pomarancio after his hometown, like two other Italian painters, his son Antonio and Cristoforo Roncalli. He trained under Daniele da Volterra, then in Florence under Santi di Tito.
    Although it was not possible to trace the origins of the composition of our drawing, it depicts a historical scene with a multitude of soldiers against the backdrop of a city. On the left, a group studies a map while on the right, some appear to be kneeling in front of the commander, who is indicating to a third group in the background. Reflecting the late Renaissance Mannerist style, his works exhibit typical characteristics of these periods, including elongated proportions, complex compositions, and a sophisticated use of light to bring dynamic life to artworks, such as the drawing we present.
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