Esteban Lisa

Cardiel, Toledo 1895 - Buenos Aires 1983
“Art is not reaching things, it is reaching an internal state that gives the possibility of creating content."

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Esteban Lisa (Hinojosa de San Vicente, Spain, 1895 - Buenos Aires 1983) was an artist and philosopher who communicated his mystical conception of life and art not only through his abstract pictorial style, but also through books and lectures. From the 1930s he developed his pictorial production almost uninterruptedly. However, his role within society was not to be an artist but to contribute, through the teaching of pictorial techniques, to the spiritual development of the human being. He emigrated to Argentina at the age of twelve, joining part of his family and working at first as a dishwasher, messenger and librarian at the Central Post Office in Buenos Aires. He simultaneously studied at the Beato Angélico School of Art and later taught painting at the School for Adults. He complemented his training with his studies in philosophy and science. In the mid-50s Lisa founded, with the help of her disciples, the Four Dimensions School of Modern Art and the Research Institute of Worldview Theory for the teaching of aesthetic education, a body of abstract work in absolute isolation. of the Argentine art scene, in those years one of the most effervescent and vigorous cultural spaces in all of Latin America. In 1986, the Esteban Lisa Foundation was created in Buenos Aires at the initiative of three disciples and heirs of the artist: Isaac Zylberberg, Horacio Bestani and Francisco Pellegrin.